MOT Testing & Car Servicing in Brentwood | The Garage Group Essex
Motorists are in a fairly unique position when in need of MOT testing, car servicing or assistance with mechanical issues like faulty brakes and clutches, which can be investigated via plug-in diagnostics and subsequently repaired. They can head to a local, independent garage in Brentwood like our own, visit a dealership or opt for a national fast-fit centre.
It may come as no surprise we’re big fans of the former. But we believe there are some concrete reasons that Brentwood motorists should choose local and independent over the latter two options…
Why Choose an Independent Garage Over a Dealership?
- The Service – As a general rule of thumb, we know that independently owned businesses provide a more personal standard of service. Whether you’re at your favourite local café or pub where they know your usual order, or at a small boutique where they’re more than happy to take time to guide you through their product range, you’ll bump into friendly faces invested in their business and your custom. The same goes for an independent garage, like ours in Brentwood, where you’ll deal with the same team of mechanics who pride themselves on high quality car servicing, MOT testing, plug-in diagnostics, and any repair work required on brakes and clutches.
- Prices – Our independent status also allows us to set our own prices that compete and undercut local competitors. This is especially true when contrasting us with dealerships, who have much higher overheads and charge a flat rate across their various locations. With a smaller team, a smaller garage and a commitment to cost-efficiency, The Garage Group Essex ensures that motorists in and around Brentwood can keep on top of MOT testing and car servicing without breaking the bank; likewise, deal with any emerging mechanical issues via affordable plug-in diagnostics, and replacement/repair of vital components like brakes and clutches.
- Supporting Your Local – In this day and age, large corporations and chains engage in predatory practices to expand their influence and force smaller local companies out of the game; we’ve seen it with vanishing bookshops and Amazon, and local cafes set upon by Costas, Starbucks and the rest. By choosing a company that is based locally, hires locally and lives locally to the Brentwood area, you can directly support your local community whenever you’re in need of work on brakes or clutches, to deal with an on-going engine issue via plug-in diagnostics, or need to tick off your MOT testing or car servicing for the year.
Still not convinced we’re the top choice for car servicing, MOT testing, plug-in diagnostics or work on brakes and clutches? Why not contact our Brentwood garage and request testimonials? We’re proud of our reputation, and see much of our custom come from word of mouth recommendations.