Your Local Specialist for Clutches & Brakes in Brentwood & Three Other Essex Locations | The Garage Group Essex

Our mechanics specialise in work on clutches and brakes, using quality OEM parts for any required repairs or replacements. Below, we’ve run over some of the most common symptoms of brake and clutch trouble; but the list is far from exhaustive. If you’ve noticed anything odd about your vehicle’s recent performance, give us a call or visit The Garage Group Essex. We have four garages located in Basildon, Brentford, Chelmsford and Romford.

What Can Go Wrong With Brakes?

Some common symptoms that motorists around our principal service areas notice when their brakes are experiencing difficulty, include:

Squealing & Squeaking Noises – These can indicate issues with the brakes themselves, or less serious problems: such as brake pad wear indicators making themselves heard; in the latter case it simply means it’s time for a change of pads. Another common problem is debris getting lodged in your brakes.

Grinding Noises – These are usually caused by brake pad or brake shoes scraping up against contact points. It’s likely your brakes will require immediate servicing, whether you have disc or drum brakes installed in your vehicle.

Steering Wheel Wobbles & Vibration – If you notice a jarring wobbling or vibration when gripping the steering wheel – specifically when applying your brakes – there’s a good chance that your brake rotor is uneven. This issue only gets worse overtime, so we recommend our customers in and around Brentwood, Basildon, Chelmsford and Romford see to it at their earliest convenience.

Soft & Spongy Brakes – Being your first line of defence, your brakes should be responsive to ensure you can stop suddenly in emergency situations. A soft or spongy pedal often points to air or moisture in your system, or an issue with the master cylinder.

Dashboard Light Illuminated – If the warning light denoting your brakes has suddenly lit up, it may signal an issue with your brakes that warrants investigation. Our mechanics will quickly get to the bottom of the problem, often employing plug-in diagnostics to expedite the process. Sometimes it’s simply time for car servicing.

These aren’t the only problems you might run into, however. Other common symptoms of brake trouble include pulling slightly to one side by braking (typically a calliper or brake hose issue), burning smells (caused by overheating), and leaking brake fluid (indicating your brakes are compromised).

Should you experience any of these issues, or something more niche not mentioned above, be sure to visit The Garage Group Essex. We’re based out of garages in Basildon, Brentford, Chelmsford and Romford, so wherever you are in Essex you’ll be able to quickly to get to one of our garages when in need of quality automotive assistance.

What Can Go Wrong With Clutches & How to Maintain Them

Some common symptoms that our customers have noticed when their clutches are suffering difficulty include:

Slippage – Slipping clutches are a common problem. The term is exactly what it says on the tin: the transmission slips out of gear or fails when placed under stress.

Unpleasant Odours – Friction from a slipping clutch can cause a burning smell which signals the need for immediate diagnostics at a reputable garage, like ours serving Brentwood, Basildon, Chelmsford and Romford.

Strange Sounds – If using clutches leads to a cacophony of jarring noises – from clunking to grinding – then there’s a good chance that components are worn or otherwise not working properly, as they come into repeated contact with one another.

Difficulty Shifting Gear – Struggling to shift between gears or engage your vehicle’s engine? This is often the prime symptom of a failing clutch. Sometimes, clutches can be repaired at little cost; other times total replacement is required.

Clutches are complicated components that transfer power to your engine; ensuring they’re in good health is important as even minor problems can cause knock on effects that end up costing a bundle to put right. So stay safe on the road and have any issues with brakes or clutches attended to by The Garage Group Essex, the Brentwood, Basildon, Chelmsford and Romford areas’ first choice mechanics.

Whatever issue brakes or clutches are suffering, visit a Garage Group location – in Brentford, Basildon, Chelmsford or Romford – for diagnostics and affordable repair with OEM parts.